The RE/MAX Miracle Home Program for CMN


Through the Miracle Home Program, you support your local Children’s Miracle Network hospital by making a donation with every real estate transaction.

Miracle Home Associates are encouraged to spread the word about Children’s Miracle Network and your involvement on, through the use of customizable flyers and brochures, on yard signs with CMN sign riders, and on personal promotion through the use of co-branded logos.

Those giving at the $25 per transaction level (or higher) can honor their clients by requesting a card be sent after the closing via the Honor Card Program sponsored by CMN and your local hospital.

Join your RE/MAX colleagues today, and make a difference in the lives of children in your community! Sign up online, or download the program packet and submit the completed pledge form to your RE/MAX Office administrator.

– How it Works –

Start Giving ↓

You can sign up for deductions using the pledge form, or through the MAX CENTER, look for the MIRACLE SYSTEM APP


Request Honor Cards ↓

Visit the Miracle System after each closed transaction ($25+ minimum per transaction to qualify) to create an Honor Card on behalf of your client. If you have a username and password, you already have an account and can log in right now.



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